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Simplify Your computer Usage
Sordum Team | January 11, 2022 | Do you wish to restrict some users from accessing certain programs, services, and files on a computer? With AskAdmin, you can simply block access to chosen applications, files, and folder contents. AskAdmin can block Read M
(1) 윈도우 업데이트 차단
Windows Update Blocker v1.7
In Windows There is no option to turn off Windows Updates. Windows Update Blocker is a tool that helps you to disable or enable Updates.
(2) 윈도우11 컨텍스트 메뉴(context menu)를 윈도우10처럼
Windows 11 Classic Context Menu v1.1
Windows 11 Classic Context menu is a Portable Freeware Application to toggle between Classic and Default Windows 11 context menu easily.
(3) 웹캠 끄고 켜기
WebCam On-Off v1.4
WebCam on-off is a Portable freeware to disable or Enable your webcam easily ,disabling your webcam completely is the safest way to protect your privacy.
(4) 드라이브 이름 변경
Drive Letter Changer v1.4
Drive Letter Changer is a portable freeware to change and assign a specific drive letter to your drives or external devices easily, cmd support is included..
(5) 임시 파일 청소
Temp Cleaner v1.3
Temporary files are stored on the hard drive and they can fill up your TEMP folders, Temp Cleaner is a portable freeware to clean up your temp folder easily
(6) 모니터 끄고 켜기
Sordum Monitor Off v1.1
Sordum monitor off is a portable freeware to help you turn off your monitor in order to save some power, just run executable file to turn off your screen
강릉바다의 블로그
Since 2008. 1.
'컴퓨터관련 > 프로그램&앱' 카테고리의 다른 글
성경을 ppt로 - Bible2PPT (2) | 2022.10.14 |
하드디스크(HDD) 배드섹터 검사 프로그램 - GM HDDSCAN (0) | 2022.10.14 |
sketchup - 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 3D 모델링 도구 (0) | 2022.10.11 |
GoodbyeDPI - 우회를 편리하게! (0) | 2022.10.10 |
Blender Portable (0) | 2022.10.09 |